Free Shred Day – November 14

Because of the threat of identity theft, it is important to always carefully and safely dispose of personal, financial and medical records. The Austin chapter of ARMA – an association of records managers and administrators – and Shred-It are sponsoring the 3rd annual Free Fall Shred Day, 8am-1:30pm on Saturday Nov. 14. located at the Shred-It Facility, 4129 Commercial Center Drive.

Only dry paper packed in cardboard boxes no lager than 24 X 24 X 36 inches with fitting lids will be accepted.  Securely closed box flaps are also acceptable.  Please do not bring hard plastics, plastic bags, electronic media, batteries or 3-ring binders.

All of the shredded material and cardboard boxes are recycled. Monetary donations will be accepted at the even, with half the funds going to Austin ARMA and the other half going to CARITAS.

Visit for additional information.

ACT Security Group
